
  • Maurice and the Curious Incidence of his Amazingness

    This is the prequel to The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, the story of Maurice's initial confusion at his sudden sentience, and how he meets the Changeling rats, and the stupid-looking kid, and starts his scams.

  • Shadow of a Soap Bubble

    Companion piece to 'Monstrous Regiment', from the Duchess Annagovia's perspective, as she contemplates the nature of what she has become, worship, faith, and the fate of Borogravia, as well as what she can do to help her fervent believer on her quest. Also contains reference to some aspects of Discworld theology as mentioned in 'Small Gods'.

  • Bundles of Memories

    Cutter comforts Tyleet after the death of her first Wolf Friend, Bundles, and thinks about his own family, spirited away into a far future time.

  • The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret

    This is set during The Truth, with Vimes being concerned about the trouble William de Worde and his new newspaper is going to cause (and is based on a misprint from de Worde's The Times).

  • Fraggles in Halloween Town

    Boober and Wembley Fraggle find a mysterious door that leads them to a scary, spooky Halloween place. They then find that sometimes, those that look and act very different from fraggles can have more in common with them than they could have possibly imagined...

  • Kitty's Demon

    Kitty the demon-slayer has a lot to do right now; she has to patrol every night, keeping the world safe from demons and the forces of darkness, she has been asked to help to train up a newly chosen demon-slayer, and she has to stop the apocalypse from happening; and then there is the mystery of the small blue demon that has somehow managed to become her sort of pet...

  • Kurt of the Brotherhood

    Kurt is ordered to leave his home in Bavaria, and travel to America, to meet with his biological mother and the Brotherhood of Evil mutants. While he initially dislikes everything about the new life that was forced upon him, he does grow to like the X-Men, particularly a young female with the ability to phase through objects...

  • Unusual Heroes

    Sarah, the Little Match girl, is saved by a number of very unusual heroes during Hogswatch...including Death. Set during the Hogfather.