
  • Just One Night

    She doesn't know why she did it, whether it was the string of terrible dates, the drought she'd been experiencing for months now, or something deeply buried in her subconscious but she found herself marching through the glass doors without second thought as though this had been her intention all along...

  • La Belle Fleur Sauvage

    It had been 3 years since she she last saw him, since she last saw Neville. It was surprising how much you could miss someone when you didn't know when or if you'd ever see them again. It also surprised her to realize just how much of a constant presence he had been in her life all those years. He had been there just as often as Ron and Harry if she really thought about it.

  • Apologies & Declarations

    "So you're right," he said, "I'm not a wizard on the subject of relationships and love. I've been cynical of it. I became a lawyer and learned to see relationships and marriage in contractual terms. But one day, I figured it out: ..."