Lucas (OC) joins the band to fill the role of Vocalist, but his dark past still haunts him. He hopes he can still fit in but will he be able to? PLEASE RATE AND FAV
Tyler x Biinny
When Mabbu feels down... OC x That One Black Nigga Cat
OC x Jenny One-Shot do not steal
Hadot a Portal runner faces a tragic fate that might very well end his life, will he escape? Will GlaDoS win? Will there be cake? Find out. One-Shot, Hadot x Cave Johnson Chell x Chell Clone
Radon goes through some hard times, good thing he has supportive friends there for him! (OC x Penny x Sheldon C. x OC)
ControllerHead sets off to learn more about himself, and see where he went wrong. But he's not alone