
  • The Will to Fall

    Life hadn't been particularly kind to Reina Kitamura in her final hours. Right when she believed her dreams would come true, she watched as they were mercilessly ripped from her hands. She felt it, deep in her wounded soul, that she had no other choice but to give up on it all. She never expected that her decision to end her own life would result in the start of a new one. In the S

  • InuYasha: The Reincarnations

    High-school seniors Kitsune and Lina never expected that they would end up falling into the well in the shrine, falling head-first into past lives that they never knew they had. With the help of two reincarnated demon-slayers, Inuyasha and the group have a better chance of killing Naraku; but only if the girls don't cause too much drama to function in the feudal era. xLEMONtoCOMEx