
  • Forgive

    Alvin finally returned to the group with the intention of never betray them again. And Jude, wanted to let him know what despite whatever happened, he always forgive him.

  • Beyond The Perfect World

    Taking place after the True Ending. Now that he had created his perfect world but he could not be a part of it, where else could he go? Was there another world that he could live for? Pairing: JuliusxLudger (slight hint) *SPOILER WARNING FOR GAME ENDING*

  • The State of Our Minds

    Two months after returning from the nightmare, Sebastian found himself thinking of what happened, and what would happen when he suddenly recall that one small fleeting kiss that Joseph placed on his lips. Then one day, Joseph returned, but he then left. Post-game fic. Please be aware of the end-game potential, and this fic is a version of what I hope happened to Joseph. SPOILER

  • Imprinted

    A fight broke out between Jude and Alvin. Jude did not expect him to be able to win, and he was ready to face any consequences. Post-fight Hamil. Pairings: AlvinxJude *content: mild rape*