
  • CD - Talking is Important

    Sam Winchester hates hunting. He hates it with a passion and a vengeance; it just isn't good to say that to Dad's face. Teen!chesters Warning: Contains language and parental spanking of a minor. Please don't read if this offends you.

  • CD - The Sense We Left Behind

    Based on a story told by Sam and Dean in the episode, "The Things We left Behind." Sam, Dean, and John Winchester are working a haunting in New York when Dean finds trouble. Teen!chester Warning: Spanking of minors and language. Enjoy and please review!

  • CD - Alex the Kid

    Originally written for a friend. Alex is the youngest Mercer and his older brothers love him. But none of them take too kindly to his antics, especially sneaking off in the middle of the night. Warning: Spanking of minor and lots of language (it is Four Brothers, after all). So, proceed with caution.

  • CD - Every Drop Counts

    Ben Braeden doesn't mind school, just history class. So when he finds a hole in the carpet during a particularly boring lecture, mischief finds him, but so does his teacher. Warning: Language and spanking of a minor. Don't read if this isn't your thing.

  • CD - Party Animal

    John Winchester is on a hunting trip and seventeen year old Dean decides to sneak out to a party, what could possibly go wrong? Teen!chesters Warning: Language and parental spanking. Don't read if this isn't your thing.