Eli H. Lee

  • The Likos, The Kyon, and Fate

    A likos, a wolf, is often not a welcoming sight for humans. A kyon, a dog, however is. Fate though will always strikes at odd times and Steele has started to learn that lesson.

  • A Surprise in Russia (Rewritten)

    (Rewrite of A Surprise in Russia) After having two cousins of Alex's and a friend of theirs join the circus before heading to Russia, Vitaly the tiger becomes suspicious of this Rosella. Something about her eyes just doesn't seem right. Be invited onto a tour with adventure, romance, and family as Vitaly learns about the lioness who conjures spirits... wait, what?

  • Great Mouse Detective: The Red Herring of The River Apatite Murder

    A murder has been committed near the river. In the victim's hands was a fake version of a stolen necklace that held an apatite gem. His widowed wife Parthena has come to Basil and Dawson for help when the police are confused. With Ratigan now alive, he is a likely suspect... but the rat and his partner in crime seem to have some more murders on their minds... Maybe even Basil's.

  • Following the Night-fighters

    China is being invaded by once exiles, and with Tai Lung returned to the Valley of Peace, he, Po, the Furious Five, Shifu, Peng and countless of others now have to fight against this army by following his commander and two of her warriors to learn of their weaknesses. However, like the Master of Leopard style before him, Tai Lung might be finding a surprise in the commander.