
  • Team ACT Puts in a Lame Effort

    After noticing that Team Charm's magical girl antics have caused great suffering and hardships for anyone who isn't Team Charm, Team ACT have decided to take charge. Unfortunately, with so many selfies that need to be taken and so many 'stupid-guy' moments to be had, will they even get to the 'defeating Team Charm' part? A Pokemon Mystery Dungeon crackfic.

  • Snoozin'

    Bidoof hasn't been getting his fair share of sleep at the guild lately. Usually, it's just Loudred's snoring keeping him up, but Croagunk's habit of sleeping in their room has been giving him the chills. After all, who wants a creepy, slimy guy like him snoozing right nearby? A Pokemon Mystery Dungeon story.

  • Of Lunar Wings and V-Wheels

    My name is Darkrai, and someday, I'll find my place in the sun – er, moon! But for now, I have to deal with a loony Cresselia, a macaron-eating prick, and senior citizens! In the world of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Darkrai's struggles to find his purpose are not without the complications of idiots and unfair circumstances. Not living up to the stereotype of 'evil' is getting tough.

  • Team Raider Doesn't Mega Evolve

    Gallade from Team Raider has gotten jealous of the uber-kawaii magical girls from Team Charm, so he finds himself a Mega Stone. Need I say more? A Pokemon Mystery Dungeon crackfic.

  • Gotcha

    Team Ebony is known for two things – their love of treasure and pranking. But one night, Shuppet and Murkrow have a disagreement that's more serious than just deciding which treasure to go after. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon one-shot. Fluff.

  • Team Charm's Mega Evolution

    Team Charm from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Mega Evolve. 'Nuff said. Crackfic.

  • Sentry Duty

    Diglett is fed up with being yelled at by Loudred every time he has trouble identifying a footprint during sentry duty, but what happens when they swap roles? LoudredXDiglett, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon one-shot.

  • Embers of the Past

    When Julia, a starting out pokémon trainer, meets Flame, a feisty little cyndaquil, her world is slowly but surely turned on its head. Strange dreams plague them both and their friendship develops too quickly. And Julia begins to wonder...have they met somewhere before? A twist on SoulSilver and Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon 2. Note: editing in progress.

  • Fabulous PMD Shipdump

    Do you love Pokemon Mystery Dungeon? Do you like nonsense? Perfect! You'll get both! I will be writing the most insane, pointless, and confusing ships from PMD and dumping them right in here! Most recent ship: Chatot X Grovyle

  • The Wrath of the Blue Waddle Dee

    Dedede buys a worthless demon beast, Fumu nags, and Meta Knight makes a one-second cameo to announce Kirby's Copy Ability. Admit it, that's the skeleton of Hoshi no Kaabii. A crackfic.

  • Coming out of one's shell – the hard way

    When King Dedede wants something, he'll get it, one way or another. And if chasing Escargon around with a hammer doesn't work, he'll find a different, more diabolical way. If, at the same time, he can use his subjects to make things worse, he absolutely will. And if it involves getting a peek under Escargon's shell...well, you don't need me to tell you. Hoshi no Kaabii universe.

  • Team Charm Freaks Out

    It's hard work being superfabulous magical girls, so the charming ladies sit themselves down in their mansion to watch the Pokémon anime. But when it comes to shippers, it's never as simple as that. Throw in Virizion and Dusparce and you have the recipe for war. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon crackfic.

  • Macaroni

    It's a very exciting and very serious story that has no moral whatsoever and is quite...great. Don't read this. It's a trap. A Pokemon Mystery Dungeon crackfic written by NaturallyDark's little sister. Chimecho X Croagunk, if you squint and tilt your head sideways.

  • Never Have I Ever

    Chatot thoroughly despises sitting at the top of the guild ladder every night to make sure no one escapes. It's boring and lonely, but Arceus knows he won't admit it. And something has been bothering him lately, something he just can't put his talon on. Can a certain pink Pokémon help him to smile? Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Guildshipping one-shot.

  • Weavile's Beginning

    The members of the exploration team known as Team AWD have always been well-known for their unrelenting cruelty and nasty ways. Their leader, Weavile, is cold-hearted and cares for no one but herself. But what if that's only half of the story? What if Weavile had a past, and what if everything was linked back to a certain Buneary? Pokemon Mystery Dungeon one-shot.

  • The AK47

    A crackfic. Guarantied to do terrible things to your brain. Brock and the horrible Giovanni duke it out in an epic battle of WTF. Who will win? Who will lose? Whose imaginary friend will die and who will get wrapped up in tinfoil? You probably don't want to know. A poorly written Pokemon fanfiction. Read if you dare and review.