
  • Alternative Ending

    What if the final battle went differently? What if Ichigo didn't save Aoyama? READ! This is my take on an alternative ending for TMM, I stuck to the original quite a bit, but all you need to know is that it's IxK :)

  • Fix Me

    A lot has changed for the aliens since they left Earth, the same for the mews, and mistakes must be fixed. Its so much netter than it sounds honestly.

  • Conflicting Emotions

    Kisshu has a job to do, but can he do it? First fanfic so sorry if it sucks:/

  • All The Wonders Of The Universe

    Short Tate and Violet fic set after the series, it's mushy as hell, probably quite out of character, but I just had to write it. Enjoy, and review if you liked it!

  • Art Thou Afeard?

    Implied PaixLettuce! On the battle field Lettuce says something that makes Pai wonder about a lot of things. All credit goes to Shakespear and the creators of TMM, I own nothing but the plot. WORST SUMMARY EVER I'M SO SORRY

  • Alone

    A small fic about Pepper's life, kinda depressing, but I tried. My first AHS fic so please bare with me, and review please!

  • Confusion and Sweets

    First attempt at a Purrito fic so bare with me, it's short and sweet (see what I did there :D) Might not be fab but I tried

  • A Scientists Struggle

    Pai loves her, but she's not his experiment to keep. One sided PaixLettuce, hinted RyouxLettuce

  • Broken Heart Syndrome

    Ichigo hurts Kisshu one time too many, what happens when it takes effect? I suck at summaries I'm sorry Yea it's kind of your typical Kisshu gets hurt/ill and Ichigo looks after him thing but I wanted to take a spin at this. Please don't flame me.

  • How I Came To Love You

    Ichigo's true feelings:) All my summaries are gonna suck so you'll just have to trust me:3