
  • SilverPelt

    Trollfic! SilverPelt's story! One-shot! No flames! They make me sad!

  • Smiley's Smiley Mental Asylum of Smiliness

    The cats who are insane, or supposedly so, get sent to the Asylum if they are determined to be mentally unstable. If they aren't insane already, the smiley faces will probably steal their marbles. (Formerly called Jayfeather's Candles and Jayfeather Candle.) WARNING: This story is completely inaccurate when is comes down to Asylums. Don't read if you find that offensive. HIATUS

  • Cold, A LightClan Challenge

    My first LightClan challenge. A kit is lost alone in the cold. Rated T for whatever reason. One-shot.

  • Pranked

    When the deputy of ThunderClan who keeps everything together, leaves with the medicine cat apprentice to help find one of the rarer herbs, pranking begins. Rated T just in case.

  • Fire Alone

    What would happen if the prophecy about Firepaw/Rusty was misinterpreted?

  • Death in Small Pieces

    Random piece of stuff. Did it for fun because I wanted to experiment with story arrangements. Character death. One-Shot.

  • Random One-Shots - Harry Potter Edition

    Small one-shots, long one-shots, all squashed together in single chapters! All are humorous, so please check them out! Rated T just in case. Co-authored with Loopy Leefy.

  • Silencing Charms

    Dean and Seamus had an interesting idea for a History of magic... One-shot.

  • Harry Potter and the Imitations

    Snape was stirring his cauldron... When something unexpected happened. And Luna Lovegood is the only one who isn't affected. Rated T just in case. Don't expect me to update too often, I tend to get writers block more often than I'd like.

  • Hypnosis

    Watch the warrior cats as they battle the sweetness of stevia! Rated T just in case. Don't expect me to update too often, I tend to get writers block more often than I'd like. HIATUS

  • Will You Stay?

    A cat leaves his Clan, despite the begging of his Clanmates. Contest entry for LightClan. One-shot.