

  • Pillowtalk

    Steve said softly, "Bucky?" / "Mmm?" Bucky replied. / "What was it like?"

  • 12 Days of Christmas

    Twelve days of Christmas - Valjean surprising Javert with a present on each day of Christmas. Javert not always happy with these silly surprises. **Prompt #45 from Round 3 of the tumblr valvert exchange.

  • Toutou

    Christmas, 1822. Valjean helps a boy and his dog.

  • Everyday Evil

    Dr. Ben Cronin prepares the Winter Soldier for electroshock treatment. (Note: this is technically a remix of the amazing "United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015)" by fallingvoices, radialarch on AO3 but I think it stands alone)

  • Guillory Man

    Gary Reynolds had been teaching at the Guillory School for some two decades when TJ Hammond bursts into his life. Written for Yuletide 2014.

  • The Honor Guard

    "The Creator called forth five of His creatures: a dragon, a sphinx, a living man, a ghost and a water spirit and said to them: You are my Honor Guard. Add to your numbers as you will, but keep my Covenant. Guard the boundary of what is from what must not be." Written for Yuletide 2014.

  • The cause of all his crimes

    The cause of all his crimes

  • You look as if you've seen a ghost!

    "Death comes to all of us. Mostly, just once. My death came on the battlefield, bleeding out in the muddy, churned up grass of Waterloo, only to waken in the aftermath with a burning hunger that only one thing would satisfy. For years, I followed the little girl who brought me into this world of living death. One night, the blood on my hand, my fangs, my soul became too much. I lef

  • Jack Krebel

    Noah Newman gets to know his new boss over a beer. This story takes place a few months before the events in The Fugitive. Sam Gerard is supposedly based on Javert from Les Miserables. In this story I try and explore that connection. No Les Mis canon knowledge necessary. This story was written as a part of the Someday My Fic will come Yuletide challenge.

  • Once a Thief

    US Marshall Sam Gerard was attempting to bring an end to the violence of the Rodney King Riots. His plans go badly awry and he is captured by the rioters. This story deals with how he gets free. Written for Barricade Day '14.

  • Matthew 25:35

    Days after the Orion incident and Valjean escapes from Toulon, he is walking north. He again passes through Digne. This is what occurred. This story was created as a part of the Midsummer Mini Mis fest.

  • There is a Season

    At first, they just thought that Javert had a cold, but as the months go by, it is clear that it is something quite different. The disease eats him from within and he asks Valjean for help. This is a sequel to "A way to go on" and was written as a part of the summer valvert exchange.

  • Fields of Gold

    Activation 23 of the Winter Soldier. On April 6, 1994, an airplane carrying Rwandan president Juvénal Habyarimana and Burundian president Cyprien Ntaryamira was shot down on its descent into Kigali, killing all on board. Genocidal killings began the following day. The week before, the Winter Soldier was on a mission.

  • Half Dome

    Steve, Bucky, Clint and Sam go on a camping trip. Steve and Bucky get up early one day and take a hike. Written as a NPT treat.

  • The Tech

    Karl Schmidt, soon to be graduating from college, gets a shot at an internship that will make his career. It is a unique chance to use his skills in electrical engineering and neurobiology. Of course he jumps at it. Who wouldn't? It is not until it is much too late that he has second thoughts. Written as a NPT treat.

  • It's not the years It's the mileage

    Two months after the events of The Winter Soldier, Bucky turns up on Natasha's fire escape. (The prompt for this story was Natasha Romanoff the quote "It's not the years, honey. It's the mileage," from Indiana Jones.)

  • Good becomes Great

    The Winter Soldier is sent on a mission, leading a team of four agents. The target was once the Soldier's handler, gone rogue.

  • Stale Beer and Cigarettes

    Four days after the battle over the Potomac, Bucky meets a stranger in the bar. They have more in common than he can possibly understand.

  • Gifts

    Something ancient, something loathsome, something unspeakable resides in the darkest parts of the Bagne de Toulon and it feeds on the misery it finds there. Once in a while, it finds a suitable host. ***This is a Lovecraft inspired horror story. However, it is not close enough to the Lovecraft mythos to really be considered a crossover. For Valvert Exchange Round 3 - Psi-Neko