Riverside Sakura

  • Kintsugi: Gold and Clay

    Sequel to Black on Silver. Fate had struck, and they had lost everything. Sephiroth is losing his mind and Hana sits on Wutai's throne alone. Both are poised to fulfill the roles determined for them before their births: a puppet empress, destined to die, and a destroyer of worlds, lost within the will of a calamity. The only Escape lies in the secret that started it all.

  • Black on Silver

    After a three day mission in Wutai, the world is turned upside-down when the famed General Sephiroth brings home, of all things, a wife. Behind an elaborately woven (but 100% fabricated) facade of spur-of-the-moment romance is a great, dark secret that will take far more to protect than Sephiroth is prepared to give. Why would he even do such a thing? ASGZ friendship, OC, COMPLETE

  • Because I Could Not Move On

    What if Sephiroth and the Remnants were literally brothers…from the same mother? An encounter between Lucrecia and young Kadaj. An angsty drabble on an interesting idea I got at 4 in the morning and whipped out in an hour. Oneshot.

  • Broken Wings - Revised

    In many ways, it was a grave, though no body was buried beneath. It symbolized the same thing. There, under the shelter of that tree, he had died. This was the anniversary. This was the only time she allowed herself to think of him. SephirothOC. A revision of a story originally posted 6 years ago.

  • Final Fantasy VII: Origins

    She had been adamant that their worlds remain separate. Her war was not theirs, and she wanted nothing to do with ShinRa. But the longer she fought, the more she realized: to save her world, and the lives of the four SOLDIERs she had come to respect, she must draw them into the very heart of Hyrule's deepest conflict.