Fluttering Phalanges

  • The Light That Breaks Through Darkness

    The sound of footsteps drew nearer as Hopper and Joyce stared intensely at one another in their holding cell, almost as if trying to burn the image of one other's face in their mind. His bruised hand found hers and though the mere movement caused him great pain, he squeezed it. "We're gonna make it out of this." She nodded her head. "I know." But how true that was, she wasn't sure.

  • Everything You Hold Dear

    For the first time in awhile, blissful rest had finally found Jim Hopper. He laid there, lost in his dreams. It was only when the panicked shouting of his wife ruthlessly yanked him out from the darkness and into the cold light that he realized a new, living nightmare had only just begun. "Hopper, where's Will!"

  • Caught in a Riptide

    After the infamous Count Dracula is discovered and taken into custody by the Jonathan Harker Foundation, former nun and now guardian to her young niece, Zoe, Agatha Van Helsing is tasked with keeping tabs on the vampire after a mishap leads to his release into modern day society. Can Agatha remain levelheaded, or will fate turn her onto a new path?

  • Ad Infinitum

    In the midst of the outbreak, some sparsely governed towns have taken matters into their own hands. Laws are set in. Women forced into marriages with men and used as breeding stock in order to repopulate the world. Daryl Dixon, a survivor, soon finds himself bonded to a young, former farm hand named Beth Greene against their wills. Entering a future that neither had ever expected.

  • To the Moon and Back

    Beth's pregnancy journal based on the fanfiction "Ad Infinitum". Beth writes to her unborn child through the weeks of her pregnancy and through the birth.

  • Between the Fields of Buttercups

    A series of one shots that take place thirty years after Mockingjay. Now entering their late adulthoods, Effie and Haymitch can finally take pleasure in the simpler things in life. But as the dynamic duo always was, they can still find things to bicker about or fault each other for. Marriage comes with its baggage, but love always reigns in the end. [Please send in prompt ideas!]

  • The Infant Hiding in the Womb of Inferno

    Young Lily Evans's pregnant with Snape's child. Snape's worried he'll end up being a father the way his father was. Petunia finds that a pregnant Lily is easier to harress. Snape finds himself protecting Lily more than she ever had to do for him.

  • Abide With Me

    Five months after the Grady Memorial incident, the group finds refuge in the Alexandria Safe Zone. Finally beginning to accept what is, Daryl Dixon's life is suddenly changed around when two figures appear at the gate of the camp. When Morgan and Beth make their appearance, Daryl does not only realize that Beth is alive, but that she carrying his unborn child. (Eventually M)

  • A Stone's Throw Away

    When work becomes scarce in Macon, Georgia, Daryl Dixon must move his family to the outer limits of Walnut Grove, Minnesota. Along with his wife, Beth, and their three daughters: Lizzie, Mika, and Baby Judith, the family must learn to cope with the ways of survival in their new home. A land of wild animals, migrating settlers, and Native Americans.

  • Bluebird on my Windowsill

    The path of life has many twists and turns, some ending more abruptly than most. Daryl Dixon meets one such occurrence in the local emergency room while watching his girlfriend, Beth Greene, get intubation tubes shoved down her throat. Existing is a bitch like that sometimes. AU/No zombies

  • Beneath the Moon of Fire

    Tauriel finds herself in a costly predicament upon discovering that she is carrying the dwarf prince, Kili's, child. Such forcing her to enter a world of reckoning and realization as forbidden love blossoms in the midst of the storms of war. Takes place during "The Battle of Five Armies" and continues from there on after.

  • Two's a Company, Four's a Crowd

    Four heartbeats. Haymitch Abernathy could barely believe his eyes as he stared at the sonogram screen, his hand slick in Effie's grasp as the doctor pointed out each white blob. Him...a father...quadruplets. (Effie and Haymitch are in for a surprise when a routine ultrasound reveals a shocking bombshell that'll certainly change their lives forever.)

  • A Street Under Stars

    Daryl Dixon, a long time man of the streets, accidentally stumbles upon eighteen year old runaway Beth Greene. A mistake in fate that will lead to the unwilling mentorship between expert and amateur. A relationship that, much like time itself, will evolve into so much more. AU, no zombies, eventually will become M.

  • Ring Around the Rosie

    Drabbles and ficlets in which Beth and Daryl have children. Prompts appreciated and accepted! Can be in Zombie Verse or any verse you choose. Let's give Bethyl the family they deserve!

  • Nature Against Nurture

    The world is no place for starting a family anymore. The instinct to fight or flight far greater than any other sort of mindset now. But when Beth Greene falls victim to a fate unpredicted, Daryl Dixon most learn to cope with the arising possibility of caring for a life much greater than his own need to survive. A baby.

  • Hall of Mirrors

    Forced by President Coin, a group of District Thirteen volunteers find themselves in the remains of the Seam in District Twelve. Among them, Effie Trinket and Haymitch Abernathy. But when Effie is lured into the ruins of a house by the twisted spirit of one of the tributes she once reaped, can Haymitch save her in time before it's too late?

  • Beyond the Surf

    The Rebellion is lost, leaving those who were lucky enough to survive forced to run. Haymitch takes Effie with him, the two escaping deep into the mountains as the Capitol's hunt for those who betrayed them multiplies. The Mockingjay is gone. Freedom vanquished. The only option now is flight or fight. Warning: Character Death

  • When the Bough Breaks

    After an experiment involving vampire fertility at "Vamp Camp" leaves Pam in an unpredictable state, she takes all possible measures to locate her maker, Eric, after his disappearance in the hopes of finding much needed comfort, salvation, and answers. An unconventional Paric baby story.

  • Of Aprons, Geese, and Little Feet

    Based on the fanfiction "Of Perfume, Liquor, and Baby Bottles". A series of drabbles/oneshots created from requests sent in by you, the readers, about the life of Haymitch Abernathy, Effie Trinket, and their daughter, Olive.