
  • I'm Talking to the Hole Again

    Fred is dead. George is not. Fred really doesn't want that to change. If only he could get through to his idiot brother instead of talking into the hole in his head. Things might be more productive then.

  • My Precious

    They were all gone. Every. Last. One.

  • Not Even Human

    Thirty years after the Battle of Hogwarts George Weasley is not a man. He's not even human. And the worst thing is, he doesn't care. First of two short stories- second is 'Being the Beast'.

  • Just a Statistic

    They may just be a number but they were just as important.

  • Blood Bond

    After a party leaves Phil with a severe case of the chills and a hunger for O Positive he and Dan embark on a journey that will leave them in terrible danger... and wearing tacky vampire capes. -Eventual Phan and maybe some KickTheStickz.

  • Life in Monochrome

    Everything's hot and muddied and Dan just wants it to end. Phil wouldn't miss him like Dan would miss Phil. If Dan destroys Phil, Phil fixes Dan. Dan isn't sure he can be fixed anymore.

  • Sequined Skirts and Near Fatal Jumps

    In which Fred cross-dresses, the twins get detention and George jumps off things.

  • Lucky Lady

    "Is this yours?" Dan questioned, sounding shocked and a tad horrified. "What is it?" "A thong, Phil." Sonic died. - Slash

  • Kiss Me Then

    For a second I thought he could do it. My eyes fluttered shut and I waited but nothing happened. Nothing ever happened. - Phan

  • When I'm Less Broken

    Bitter tears. Betray me. Empty eyes. Explain me. Broken heart. Delay me. Though I wish it wouldn't. -Phan

  • So Happy

    Drake's always happy to tie a loser to a chair and make him bleed.

  • Snakes Suck

    Snape's final moments and his rather strange internal monologue.

  • Underneath the Scar Tissue

    Deep down he's crying out. Drowning in hate and misery. Underneath the scar tissue. Deep in the darkness.

  • All the things I never did

    Albus Dumbledore's reflections on his life when faced with his impending death.

  • Magic isn't Real

    Three muggle boys come across six year old Ariana Dumbledore practicing magic. The moment that broke the Dumbledore family and destroyed a little girl.

  • Being the Beast

    Sequel to Not Even Human. Because the Beast always gets the Beauty. Can be read alone (though I don't recommend it).

  • Gone in Green and Red- ON HIATUS

    Charlotte Nott's parents died in a house fire. That is all she remember's about that night. And the more she tries to remember... the closer she comes to destroying her mind. (Slash and Heterosexual pairings)