

  • An Amnesia Of Orange

    This is a story about a boy has come into a new world beyond his own, rescued by a dusty old crow who in which raises and trains the young lad to become the strongest huntsmen in all of Remnant. Who is this boy? His name is Naruto..but that's all he can remember. An Amnesia Of Orange. Inspired by fairy tail dragon slayer and other authors of NarutoXRWBY fanfics. Pairing undecided

  • The Maelstrom Rages On

    Naruto Uzumaki is given a new chance at life. A life without ridicule, and burden. A chance to experience happiness. He is taken tp Earthland to become a mage or better yet a dragon slayer. (Ain't tellin) Taught by the dragon Maelstrom, he learns to be strong. But what awaits him in the future. Stay tuned. Minor lang. NarutoXMysterygirl? Influenced By SoulReaperCrewe. No flames.

  • The Raven and The Blonde Rose

    Naruko Uzumaki is the basic athlete at Fujimi High in Tokonosu City. Hell is starting. People are dying and are coming back as the undead. What will happen to her and her friends, especially if she's with her favorite raven. Little blood here and there, might be gore. Some lang. to it and other stuff I don't know yet. NarukoXTakashi. No flames. Don't like it don't review.

  • A New Life To Fight For

    Naruto Uzumaki is the smartest and most skilled student in the Ninja Academy. While Sasuke Uchiha is the deadlast of the class because of his anger issues. Though when Sasuke leaves to go be with Orochimaru, Naruto tries to stop him, and when both attacks collide it sends them into a dimensional rift. Adopted from Bloodbrother7

  • The Prince Of The Ninth Realm

    What if Zeus wasn't the youngest of the Greek Gods. What if Rhea gave birth to another son. What if this child was the strongest of them all. This is his story, a story of a child that will change history. Minor language. Strong Naruto. Pairing undecided.