
  • Luck of the Draw

    AU. Two-shot. "For the most part, Duncan considered himself a lucky guy. But, man, did he hate his job." DxC.

  • Complicated

    AU. Girls like Duncan. Duncan likes girls. It's as simple as that. But when a new girl comes to school, it gets a whole lot more complicated. Duncan/Courtney. Multi-chapter.

  • The Last Dance

    DXC. Prom night is a big deal, especially if you're going with the guy everyone wants. But what happens when the person you despise the most shows his face? PLEASE READ.

  • Loving You

    "Eventually, I went past the point where I could still pretend I didn't feel something towards you. I couldn't pretend it was nothing more than hate. I couldn't pretend I didn't love you." DXC; Duncan's POV

  • Rainy Days

    Duncan thinks about life and the decisions he has made. Implied DXC.