Archies Breezy Privates

  • Gossip

    Rita Skeeter had never considered herself to be a nosy person. But in a world where information means power, what other choice did she really have?

  • Forgettable Me

    "You were Sirius. And me? You probably don't even remember my name. For I was closer a number on a list or a notch in your bedpost than I ever was a name to you." A small confession from a forgettable fangirl. The unrequited love of just another number. Because some of us just don't know how to let go...

  • Lying Josephine

    After Fred's death and a series of mishaps, Josephine finds herself posing as Fred's late girlfriend to the Weasley's for just one night to help them move on. But when she grows attached to the warmth of having a family again, she finds herself unable to walk away and forced instead to live life in her lie. (George/OC) 2012 Kecker Winner at HPFF: Most Addicting Story, Best OFC!

  • Feel Again

    It comes without warning. ("Mr. Potter, can you hear me?")

  • Murphy's Law

    Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. And, yes, things were going wrong. (James/Lily, First Date, Companion Piece to SingularityStar's "Yhprum's Law")

  • Crawl

    "If all you can do is crawl, start crawling." - Rumi

  • In for a Penny

    "This, what we have... this is already forever." "It isn't enough." There is a line in friendship. To step over the line is to put everything at risk. But what if, for the lucky few, there was also the chance for unadulterated happiness? Would you cross it? (Remus/Sirius)

  • Waltz

    "Her life is a waltz. One, two, three." - Rose suffers from OCD and Germaphobia. Scorpius can't seem to conquer his stutter. And then there's the glitter-bombing Mistletoe. Merry Christmas, everybody. :)

  • Mouse

    In a post-war world, there are those who still believe in a superficial worth, who don't care what you've achieved. They'll see that you're a Hufflepuff and call you weak and small, but you know better; an elephant's scared of a mouse, after all. (This entire story rhymes!)