
  • It's a Treat!

    "Treat me to ice-cream. GoriGori-kun popsicles too. But I'm in the mood for some Bäagen Dasz." "Why should I?" "Oi, don't tell me you forget all about our bet." Kise meets Aomine accidentally after the Interhigh. Aomine forces Kise to treat him to ice-cream. AoKise. One-shot.

  • Yuuzai

    No matter which universe, their relationship is always sinful. Series of one-shots of the SeishirouxSubaru pairing of X/1999 and Tokyo Babylon.

  • First Inhale

    Smoking was when one put the cigarette between one's lips, lit it with a lighter and then breathing the smoke in before exhaling. He had seen Seishirou do it many times. He wasn't smoking, no. One-shot. Post-bet.

  • It all started with a Porn Mag

    Where Aomine just wants to get his porn magazine, and Kise just happens to get in his way. Of course, the only thing that Aomine notices is the ridiculously long eyelashes of the blond. AoKise AU.

  • Act of Keeping

    Shut up, Kamui tells the voice over and over again. But it doesn't.

  • Footsteps

    The footsteps dragged; they trudged across the pavement with harsh, low noises. His ears prickled at the sound. One-shot.