

  • AltMal: A Peacock's Feathers

    While doing a mission one day, Altair comes across an unusual bird. His curiosity leads him to seek out Malik for more information and he ends up coming up with a brilliant plan. Altmal.

  • The Wind and the Flower

    Runningwind seems to be the perfect cat. He's loyal to ThunderClan through and through. But even the strongest of cats can be weaken by one force that can overcome all. Love. Runningwind soon finds himself longing for a she-cat who can never be his, but will he be able to convince his head and his heart to forget her?

  • Okami: The Next Generation

    The dark forces rise once more in Nippon. Amaterasu and Chibiterasu are still weak even though one year had passed, but there is still hope in the form of Raku, the half celestial, half mortal child of Amaterasu and Oki of Oina. Raku must locate Yami and attempt to purify his tainted body and soul. But can a half-breed ever complete a pure celestial's task?

  • Kiesha'ra Children of Destiny: The Black Sun

    Celi Silvermead should not had been born, but now she may be the only person who can right the wrongs of the past. She must control her magic before the solar eclipse or the two deadly magic that she possesses will destroy the entire world.

  • The Lion King: Inner Darkness

    Everyone has darkness inside of them, but for a few it can come out with devastating results. The Pridelands are peaceful but how long can they last as darkness builds within two of the royal family?

  • The Lion King: The Pre-Pridelander Chronicles

    It started with Fumu, the first Lion King. The Pridelands were built on the blood and tears of lions who came before, some who sacrificed a lot in order to make things better for the future generations. This is the time before Ahadi and Uru and before Mohatu. This is the Pre-Pridelands.