
  • RWBY: Reaver

    Professor Ozpin has been concerned that some of the first years are starting to stagnate in their growth, and has chosen to hire on a hunter to help "push" them forward. Unfortunately for them, the full fledged hunter is more then happy to assist in the endeavor.

  • RWBY: To End All Wars

    Team RWBY has finally done it. The world is safe from those who would seek to destroy it, but none of the team knew of the deal Ruby made to help ensure their success. Now she has made a new deal with the ominous being to go back and fix the world before it was ever under threat.

  • Crimson's Passion

    Jaune finds himself in a rather... "inconvenient" situation with Ruby, and the look in her eyes and the knife in her hand hint at a VERY bad conclusion for him. [NSFW] Rated M for BOTH big reasons.

  • Broken Knight

    Ruby goes to pay a routine visit to her old friend.

  • Yanill of Auburn

    The origin of Yanill, and how he and his halberd arrived at the Crimson Blades

  • RWBY: Northward

    It's time for the finals, and RWBY has decided to take the most dangerous available. But will they bite off more then they can chew or will they be able to fight their way through.