
  • Soul Resonance Tips and Snickerdoodles

    "Shouldn't you be asking Maka that?" Just a Maka/Soul oneshot. Soul is suspicious of something. Does he take Tsubaki's advice? More info inside I guess?

  • Holly's Diary Entry

    How did Foaly get it? Now Trouble knows!

  • Back together again (A nyotalia x hetalia story)

    Hey people, 'ello peeps this will be a multi chapter selfcest aka ( nyotalia x hetalia) fic. See more inside and most of all enjoy and review. This is authored by the both of us. Sorry for any oocness

  • How To Have A Tea Party The German Way

    Lilli is growing up and having a tea party with stuffed animals really isn't working. So Vash tries to help her by gathering up all the Germanics! Thing is... He gathered up all the Germanics...

  • A Watch And A Locket

    Fluffy Christmas special! I suggest you read if you're a Soul X Maka shipper like me! Worst summary ever I'm sorry.

  • Red White and Yellow

    A little Nuzel/NicDonalds oneshot I came up with. Nico takes Hazel to McDonald's... that's it really.

  • Moments of Nordic life

    Formerly: Nordic drabbles. Just some drabbles about the Nordics from the wonderful Renee! AU-ish in chronological order unless I say otherwise. T for language and maybe some suggestive content. (Genderbent couples) Fem Norway x Denmark and fem Finland x Sweden. Greatly appreciated are review please read. Oh and flames will be used to burn down your house. Rennee out!

  • Welcome To The Stage

    Raine lives a perfect and normal life. But one thing has always bothered her. Who's her father? It's been fifteen years and Holly still won't tell her. What happens when the Fowl manor siege happens again? Ah, well if you want to know you'll have to read. I hope you enjoy! T because I'm paranoid. Things are just implied but there isn't really anything bad. Spoilers for all books!

  • Will Trade Wife for Beer

    Okay this is a Prushun fic and this is Rennee so 'ello peeps. Um let's just say you read it and find out that it's about and review. Come on its short and funny Abigail was doubled over laughing when she read it. Oh yeah and this bes a one shot so enjoy. Rennee out!

  • Valentines

    Artemis gets a letter but he doesn't know who it's from...

  • Boredom

    Artemis is bored then something bad happens. Multiple bad things happen. What is going on? Yeah this summary isn't the best... Read and enjoy and review!

  • The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway

    I'm pretty sure I've given enough away with the image and the title but I'll give you a little more. Holly wants Artemis to see a movie with her.