
  • Annie's Demons

    Annie returns to DC and tries to build a normal life. Specter of Kravec has always loomed in background, this whole story is built around him as the antagonist and he's not done. None of these characters are mine, all belong to CA Writers/USA Network.

  • Chameleon

    Trying to figure out a resolution to this story. Busy, so going slowly, but Annie will return to Ryan in the end.

  • Prodigal

    What if Annie returned the gun McQuaid gave her, what if Khalid was linked to Annie? What if she spent time with a very much alive Teo during her 4 months off the grid? What if she is regretting her decision to return and left the country in the middle of the investigation into the Chicago bombing? What if she needs more than surgery? Ryan, Arthur, Joan, Teo & Eyal, plus others.