
  • Fame and War

    A woman who goes by the name Elle (among others) arrives, rather eventfully in Paris and eventually comes to meet the formidable foursome. Meanwhile, the Musketeers are charged with investigating rumours that the plans for a new and dangerous weapon have found their way into the city.

  • Trois Fois

    Our favourite story teller meets a young woman newly arrived in Paris. She is uncertain of the future and is running from her past. Luckily, Clopin has the means to set her mind at ease and give her a glimpse of the future she so fears. Rated T for safety (but, I don't think there is anything in it). Clopin x OC. Other characters may also appear later on. Haven't decided yet.

  • Drowning In Fire

    Not long before Vincent/Jerome leaves for Titan, Jerome/Eugene confides in his paid company for the evening. Rated T for safety.

  • Update 4 of 4

    Roy and Moss come in to work one Monday morning to find a new desk in the IT department. They soon learn that its appearance may have something to do with Denholm's newest declaration of war, but they are still understandably anxious at meeting the newest member of their little group. Rated T for Safety. Hope you like it!

  • Where is He?

    Rayven knows what should be done when she finds a man from her past captured by supermutants. Her companion, Tobi has other ideas. Tobi wins the argument, but when their rescued captive is evil incarnate, there isn't going to be a happy ending. One-shot.