

  • Star Gazing

    Janet Forest wouldn't exactly put herself in the 'normal' category of people. Forced into the army she works beside her friend Alex Lannen. After a series of events secrets come out-the past comes back to haunt-and people who were suppose to be dead come back alive and well. I guess anything is possible in Vega...

  • My World Is Always Upside Down

    A promise to keep, a secret to withhold, a love to never feel, Sammie Park has all of those things. When her world is turned on it's axis she faces problems from the past and new ones occurring daily. With new pressures and responsibilities-will she become great and known or will she succumb to her inner demons and become the thing she fears the most?

  • Trouble Comes In Twos

    History is always rewritten in a better and newer fashion. The history of Hogwarts is no different, stories always being retold from different mouths and different lives. However one stands out from the crowd, one life that no one seems to remember. That story teller finds Albus and his friends, and begins to tell them the history that nobody can to recall as their own.

  • If Only I Could Explain

    Dean and Sam They've faced vampires, witches, demons, ghosts, angels-but now they may face their most curious of all monsters. A little boy with the powers of an angel but yet has no memories of ever being one. As they sort of 'adopt' the boy, they learn more about him and begin to realize who he really is...but the question still stands. Who and what the hell is Dylan Young?

  • Remember Me

    "Do you think their going to save us?" Matt wondered as I adjusted the radio. I stopped what I was doing and thought for a moment. I didn't think they were going to. The situation is out of my hands-and I can't say Starfleet will drop everything to save us. "Lets just say," I said, "pray to whoever you want and hope they listen." Because I fear this is going to be my last mission

  • The Mask We All Hide Behind

    Emma Moon is the un-noticed sister of Austin Moon, and she is mostly the outcasted, quiet, girl you don't know... well at least you think you don't. Like her brother she is pop star, but on stage she isn't Emma Moon, she's Stacy Right, the perfect, always happy teenager. Rated T because I am paranoid.