Balin Lord of Moria

  • Animal Culture: The Birds

    An ode to the Bird race, their technology, Avista, and their culture. Second in an Animal Culture series.

  • Bless My Maximal Soul

    An ode to my favorite Transformers/Beast Wars characters, the nature-loving techno heroes called the Maximals.

  • Animal Kingdom Meets Fraggle Rock

    The hosts and guests of Stinky and Jake's Animal Show are teleported to the world of Fraggle Rock, and there they show the Fraggles, the Doozers, and the Gorgs what creatures that live outside of their world are like and what they can do. Several friendships are formed, too. No special point to this.

  • Brotherly and Not-So-Brotherly Mutant Moments

    A series of short stories and flash fictions involving the four core Mutants living life the way only the Mutants of Plun-Darr can live it, sliming the walls, monkeying around, sniffing out trouble, soaring to new heights (or lows), and enjoying, or not enjoying, each other's company. NOTE: I'm willing to take some reader's requests for this one.

  • Diversity Expanded

    Nolaa Tarkona, leader of the Diversity Alliance, is impressed by how many different kinds of Aliens have joined her organization, and intends to inspire them through her charismatic speech. A speculation on what the Alliance would've been like if some prequel era Aliens had also been part of the Alliance.

  • Addicus the Barbarian

    Addicus the Ape reflects on life, death, virtue, and food.

  • Animal History: The Lizards

    The history, culture, and tragedies of the lowlife Lizards of Third Earth. Even Mumm-Ra's Lizard army had feelings about life and its meaning, even if most other Animals disagreed with that notion. Slithe, Khamai, Kask, Sauro, and Rezard are canon characters; the rest are OC's.

  • Kaynar: Some Pals

    119-word flash fiction. What was Kaynar's motivation for killing the Dogs who imprisoned him in solitary confinement? Does he think all people are bullies?

  • Song of the Kittens and the Chicks

    In-between Season 1 and the un-aired Season 2, the ThunderKittens befriend some unusually humble Birds, and they see a vision of the future at the shores of the ocean. No special point to this story, just a little friendship between innocent children.

  • The Great Animal Rebellion

    Five 50-word mini sagas about the four Animal leaders of the rebellion against Mumm-Ra and the subsequent freedom of the Animal slaves. 2011 universe.

  • Monkian vs Addicus

    The two ThunderCats universes cross over. Monkian the Mutant finds himself in a fight for his life against his barbarian counterpart, Addicus the Monkey. Rated T for a couple of bad words and macho fighting.

  • The ThunderKittens' Best Day Ever!

    WilyKit and WilyKat go out into the countryside to challenge the Mutants to a duel, on their own, without the other ThunderCats.

  • Intergalactic Police

    Series of drabbles involving the SilverHawks.

  • Intergalactic Birds

    Series of drabbles involving the Fighting Hawks. In these drabbles, the Fighting Hawks are assumed to be semi-sentient.

  • Heroes on Both Sides

    Seeking a new method of ending the threat of Mumm-Ra and his cronies, Pumyra and WilyKit journey to Plun-Darr for answers by suggestion of Mumm-Rana, where they see, for the first time, the good people of Plun-Darr and it's Moons. Meanwhile, a fed-up Mumm

  • Animal History: The Fish

    Even the Animal races that were indigenous to Third Earth rather than colonists had their history and culture. A short history of the Fishmen that inhabited the waters of Third Earth. All except Koinelius Tunar are OC's, again.

  • Animal History: The Dogs and the Jackals

    More history and culture of two Animal species that came to live alongside the ThunderCats on Third Earth. This time it's the Dogs and their close relations, the Jackals. Prepare for both cuteness and savagery. All except Kaynar, Shen, Dobo, Jorma, and Tookit are OC's.

  • A Soul Made Of Tiny Little Robots

    Poker-Face's origin story. He enjoys the thrill of the gambling scene and a life of crime, but Poker-Face wonders if his free thought has made him bite off more than he can chew.

  • Two Patriot Mutants

    See another side of Monkian and Jackalman, the two softer Mutants, as well as a take on why the Mutants believed in their cause and opposed the Thundercats. Marginally AU.

  • Wishmistress

    What if there were good djinn as well as evil djinn? After a dramatic encounter with a familiar Persian king and Zoroastrian sorcerer, a female djinn on the side of good is summoned into the modern world and faces the evil djinn while trying to grant selfless wishes to people. But what will happen when she falls for the young man who awoke her? Novella.