
  • The Dog Days

    A girl by the name of Ela finds herself in the fiery centre of a raging war, with powers not yet fathomed. Guided by love, friendship and family she never dreamed possible, Ela must fight for her world while desperate to not spontaneously combust.

  • To Be or Not To Be

    "Well, when a werewolf takes a piece out of your waist, let me know how you feel," Freddy snapped impishly, clambering off of the hospital bed. "Wait, Selwyn, just come with us. You might even like us," Sirius Black proposed, winking at her. Freddy snorted. "I'd rather get bitten by a werewolf again." Sirius held up a hand in a clawing motion, grinning cheekily. "Reow!"

  • Indemnity

    I could only imagine how horrified Sirius must be by me. I attacked him. Sexually. I nearly choked on a ball of saliva. I was a sexual predator. I couldn't be trusted around anyone who could be found remotely attractive. A high priority male I would need to ensure I avoid was Sirius Black. Maybe then I could survive the next eight months at Hogwarts.

  • Indemnity

    "I wasn't expecting a good life, Remus - and I most definitely didn't bloody sign up to protect the entire world against Lord Voldemort!" I blew out a breath, running a hand through my hair. I had more than I ever dreamed of having - Sirius, a family, friends, an admirable career. Maybe my life is the reason people say, "if it's too good to be true, it generally is."

  • Abyss

    "I thought I could protect her. I thought I could keep her safe - but I'm the one she's afraid of, Collin." Confronted by her nightmares and the boy she's quickly beginning to love, Isis is faced with terrifying decisions and the reality that the monsters who tore apart her family could be the friends she's come to cherish. Brady/OC

  • Fairytale

    During a forced trip to Seattle, Paul Lahote discovers his Sleeping Beauty in the form of his Alpha's half-sister. Perrie is comatose - cruelly abandoned at a hospital by her father after he had them both colliding head-on into a truck. Tucked away deep in her own mind, Perrie's existence is revealed to her half-brother, Sam Uley, which unravels a great roll of events.

  • Sempiternal

    "We're natural enemies," I stated blatantly. "I prefer the term 'star-crossed lovers'." He grinned cheerfully.