

  • Harry Potter and the New Marauders

    Emily Lupin and Aries Black are heading to Hogwarts with Harry Potter. That's 3 out of 4 Marauders. Who will be the fourth? It's not who you think.

  • Harry Potter and the Halliwells at Hogwarts

    Chris Halliwell isn't too happy when his father and aunt make him and five other of his family members travel to Hogwarts for his sixth year during the Triwizard tournament. Dumbledore forces them into being tutored to learn 'their way' of magic, and its' done by none other than Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom. Will they be able to survive?

  • A Wizards' Fairy Tale

    Just as the war begins, Draco and Luna are sent through a wardrobe into the magical land of Narnia. The Just King and The Valiant Queen immediately take liking to them and that's good because Aslan says they can't leave. Luna's always dreamed of handsome kings and beautiful castles, but Draco is convinced they don't get happy endings.

  • The Favor

    Hermione Granger was getting a divorce when her husband tried to tale her children. Her best friend Harry Potter sent Hermione, her five year old daughter and three year old son to live in hiding with his closest colleague, Draco Malfoy and his own four year old son Scorpius.

  • James S Potter and the Time I Fell in Love with a Muggle

    For James it was a normal day where he was counting down to September 1st when he meets Daisy, and now he wishes it wasn't coming so fast.

  • The Princess and the Joker

    Cali Malfoy, the twin sister of Draco Malfoy, had captured Fred's eye the moment she trotted through the great hall and was sorted into his house. Through the years he's her shoulder to cry on, especially with her family while she's his escape from the evil truth of reality. But can it work? After all she is the Malfoy princess while he's half of the Weasley jokers.

  • Remus Lupin and the Night's Tale

    Remus Lupin was finishing off his last year at Hogwarts, when he meets Alona Knight, a fellow Gryffindor. Finding himself intoxicated by her presence, he can't help but fall for her. But with You-Know-Who on the rise, is it such a good idea?

  • Slytherin Pride

    The story of Harry Potter and his classmates a different way. Hermione is Snape's daughter, Draco has a twin sister, Harry gets puts into Slytherin. What happens when Harry becomes best friends with Draco, Tori, and Hermione? What happens when Ron Weasley becomes their greatest enemy.

  • The Enchantment of New Beginnings

    Draco has spent his entire life protecting his little sister Tori, but when she finally gets to go to Hogwarts in their seventh year as a Gryffindor, he realizes that he has to let go of old rivalries, like Harry and Ron, for her sake. He's Head Boy and Hermione's Head Girl, and they have to share a common room. What will happen?

  • Just Another Dramione Story

    Draco and two year old son Scorpius, met Hermione in the Three Broomsticks one days while having lunch with Draco's sister Tori and her husband Theo. Will Draco take this opportunity to tell her all the things he didn't get to say in school?

  • Just a Little Late

    Fred Weasley is the only one of the Weasley clan that plans to be get married, and hasn't yet. But then he meets little Leo Cartwright in his shop one day, and realizes that he is the son of one of his old classmates, Macy. Is this the 'right girl' that Fred has been searching for?

  • Harry Potter: Into the Future

    Harry, Ron, and Hermione get thrown into 2014, where the muggles have taken over the Ministry and magic is outlawed. They meet Matt and Evie two wizards who were classmates with Harry's godson Teddy Lupin. Together the three have set up Hogwarts as a safe house and now have to figure out how to get the Golden Trio back to their time so that none of this ever happens.

  • Teddy Lupin and the Mystery of Ravenclaw

    Teddy is about to start Hogwarts, where he meets his two best friends Evie and Matt, who on the train let go of a family feud. When a rude Hufflepuff boy and his gang decide to make Teddy, and his friends, their target, will he discover the mystery of Ravenclaw house and its students?