

  • New Beginnings

    When you think the story of human testing is over, this happens. New tests, new friends, new opinions and old enimies in addition to a whole bunch of the new lunatic's unanswered questions. Rated T because I'm one of those paranoid authors. Plus, T stands for Tremendous, therefore think of it as a guideline of EPICNESS!

  • Baby It's Space Outside

    GLaDOS hates herself for her mistakes. One-shot.

  • How to Bake a Cake

    The story of Portal 2, but not a retelling of it. No shippig, OCs or humanizations. :3

  • Emotions

    During the wake-up she was lost, and couldn't make sense of her feelings towards the Lunatic. One-shot.

  • The Secrets of Aperture

    GLaDOS finds someone hiding in the walls when searching for the testing bots. They finally meet and a dark secret is revealed, but with the whole WORLD after GLaDOS, can she and the hacker defend themselves against the greatest minds of their generation? I'll keep posting till I feel like stopping. :3