
  • To Washington DC With Love

    Nothing comes easy when you're Sidney Crosby

  • They Tore Us Apart, Fate Brought Us Back Together

    Zach loves Frankie, and he knows it. Hell, everyone does. Frankie also loves Zach, but only a few know. That kind of love is dangerous in the Big Brother house. So they were torn apart. But their journey didn't end there.

  • LoveIsNotAnEquation, ItIsNotAContract, AndItIsNotAHappyEnding

    There seemed to be no hope in a world like this. Pray all you want, them tell you, no God will save you.

  • Sometimes You Need to Look Closer

    Everyone deserves love. It's in the hearts of whom these people are destined to find it in that is not what you would expect. M/M Slash. Rolleigns, AJ Styles/Gabriel/Kazarian, Centon, Evan/Taker, Miz/Austin, Triple H/Shawn Michaels.