
  • Nightmares

    This is the aftermath of the Movie and Sherman, Mr. Peabody, and Penny all have a nightmare about their worst fears and they seem so real, I do not own any of this movie i just love it! Rated T for drama and Tragedy.

  • Don't Look Back

    A homeless girl ends up on Edd's doorstep and he helps her get back to health strickly for the sake of helping someone in need, but what happens when Edd as well as Eddy start to get romantic feelings towards her. Please Do Not Copy! Rated K for Drama, Romance, and slight language

  • I'm Back

    This is the sequel to 'Judy's Revenge" and 'The New Girl' so if you haven't read those please do. Is Judy really alive, and did Penny ever really die? Sherman finds himself in a bad situation and he fears that the psychopath might be more dark and powerful than he thought. Rated T for blood, witchcraft and other stuff! NO COPYING :(!

  • Sherman's Trip to Popularity

    Penny tries to get Sherman more popular when he comes over to her house. This is just a funny short I came up with.

  • Sherman's First Bike Ride

    Well the name pretty much explains it, this is just a funny short i made. HOPE YOU LIKE IT!

  • Day at Disney

    Mr. Peabody and Sherman go to Disney world and Mr. Peabody attempts to go on it's a small world... This is just a funny short i came up with, NO COPYING!

  • Judy's Revenge

    Hello this the seqeal to "The New Girl" Sherman and Penny are a coupla and they meet Judy she still is in love with Sherman but he dose not like her back. What will she do to get him to like her? READ AND FIND OUT! DO NOT COPY!

  • The New Girl

    Hello I am sorry but I had to take my other Fanfic down it copied "I Am The Alpha Wolf" to much but here is another Fanfic I MADE ON MY OWN NO COPYING OF OTHER PEOPLES! There is a new girl in Sherman's class named Judy and Sherman seems to like her. How will this effect Penny who liked Sherman ever since the Space Time Continuum matter. Read and find out! Please review! NO COPYING!