
  • Without

    Howard Link knew that his love was unrequited, yet he gave his life for him. One-sided Link/Allen, Kanda/Allen.

  • Father

    Sasuke doesn't know how to be a father, but he has Sarada to teach him how.

  • Vivir en el ayer

    ...Y dolía porque nada en ellos era verídico, sólo era una mentira para salvaguardarse de la locura. Draco x Ginny . Pre-DH

  • Roto

    Definitivamente lo que quería hablar con ella debía ser o muy importante o terrible, no había puntos medios con él. Después de todo era su madre. Gen, Ginny-POV.

  • Dance of Leaves

    First, second, and some dances in the life of Harry and Ginny's family. Canon pairings, Slash (Next Generation), what if's. One: Gathering Courage, a Neville's tale.

  • El Complejo

    Scorpius es hijo único, por eso mismo no comprende el extraño comportamiento del hermano mayor de su mejor amigo. Ni porque este le atrae tanto. Slash. James S.P/ Scorpius H.M.

  • Albeit

    He knew that Naruto only was in love with the concept of a family. Sasuke couldn't give him that, even if sometimes Naruto looked at him with the same longing, he knew it would come to nothing. Slight shonen-ai Sasuke/Naruto, established Sasuke/Sakura & Naruto/Hinata.

  • Seven Days

    AU - University. He only wanted to protect his best friend, he never thought that he would end with a new boyfriend after all this madness. Bucky/Tony, Steve/Tony.