
  • Professor Longbottom & The Christmas Miracle (of Sorts)

    This is a short story based on a Tumblr prompt that I came across, and I hope I did it enough justice! This story is about Professor Longbottom, The Golden Trio, Molly Weasley, and a student named Chip. The famous Weasley Sweaters are involved, and that's really all I care to say about that. Please stop by and R&R! That would be oh so kind of you. Thanks guys! :)

  • Is it Already New Year's?

    Some Vampire Diaries love for the New Year! Please R&R! I would love to hear what you guys have to say about this, because I'm not sure if it's boring or not... And I'm almost 100% sure you will tell me. So please stop by! It's not too long, and my grammar is pretty okay. Promise!

  • Piz Versus the World

    I really wanted to know what happened to Piz after their unfortunate end during the movie, and I wrote this to explore that. It's not too long, but I hope you'll stop by and check it out! Please R&R and I will gladly bake you all cupcakes. No, but seriously. Please read. Thank youuuuuuuuu :)

  • He Doesn't Yet Know

    This is really short, a bittersweet kind of fic. Please read! It's so short, and will take like thirty seconds to read so just take a quick peek, okay? That's all I want! And maybe leave me some love :) Up to you.

  • From Above

    Post-death of Sirius Black, in fact, moments after! *Gasps all around* Sirius wakes up in the afterlife and is reunited with his best friends. One-shot for now, may decide to include more, just depends. I would bribe you to come read my story, but I hear it's frowned upon. Either way, give it a read! It's short, and hey, it might get ya some much wanted closure. :)