

  • This Time

    Weiss used to have it all...before her family fell apart, her 'guaranteed' job disappeared, and her best friend moved away and went on to become a superstar. Just when her struggles reach a new low, that star crashes back into her orbit and, as they rediscover what made their relationship so special, unresolved feelings bubble back to the surface. Could this time be different?

  • You, Me, and Chemistry

    After landing a coveted internship at Schnee Industries, Blake hopes to impress enough to earn a full-time position. That goal turns out to be more difficult than anticipated, especially once she meets the lead researcher of her intern cohort.

  • One Shot Wonders

    A collection of bite-sized Bumblebee and White Rose one shots written for others. Expect fluff, happiness, kisses, and whatever other romantic/funny/adventurous scenarios people can come up with. (Will be updated at least once a month for the foreseeable future.)

  • Super Zombie Slayers

    Every apocalypse needs a hero. Every hero needs a gorgeous love interest, a genius little sister, and an unrelenting, unstoppable enemy. The hordes of undead swarming over the remnants of Vale fit the role of enemy perfectly. Then again, so does a certain little sister's snarky girlfriend. When every day is a fight for survival, bullets will be fired, grenades thrown, barbs trade

  • Red Carpet Romance

    A movie star. An author. A chance meeting and an instant spark. This is the story of how two strangers fall in love - and all of the adventures that come with it. [Hollywood AU - all fluff!]

  • The Lie

    Blake has her last semester of college planned out: graduate at the top of her class, land a coveted internship, and work her way towards her dream job. Everything's going according to plan until a little lie tangles her up with the most popular girl on campus - an up-and-coming model one photoshoot away from superstardom, whose life isn't as perfect as everyone believes.

  • The Process

    What happens when Harumin tries to help Yuzu with her secret crush? Can Mei finally admit her feelings? One story, three point of views.

  • Bees and Roses

    Needing a little more Bumblebee or White Rose in your life? These little one shots might be just what you need! Primarily Bumblebee, but White Rose will have their own features as well.

  • The Adventures of Mei and Yuzu

    A collection of short stories detailing some of the dates that Mei and Yuzu go on. Not all of them go according to plan, but they don't care as long as they're together.

  • One-A-Day Keeps the Doctor Away

    A collection of short one shots based on random pairings done for RWBY relationship week. They'll be funny, heart warming, romantic, etc...one posted each day for the rest of the week!

  • Valentine's Day

    Yuzu finds it hard to deal with how popular Mei is on Valentine's Day - is this going to be the worst Valentine's Day ever?

  • How to Break the Rules

    Harumin can't pass up the opportunity to break school rules, using Mei's feelings for Yuzu to get away with it.

  • Citrus - A Compilation

    A random smattering of Citrus one shots

  • The Days of Winter

    Blake and Yang have grown close over their time as partners, maybe closer than Blake is willing to admit. When someone new comes along that is determined to capture Yang's affections, their lives are temporarily turned upside down as jealousy consumes the ordinarily collected cat Faunus. Can our favorite bumblebees overcome this latest trial?

  • The Endless Days of Summer

    Childhood for Yang and Ruby was filled with love and laughter...tears and tragedy. This collection of short stories provides glimpses at what life was like for Yang and Ruby before they came to Beacon - filled with the moments which helped shape them into the huntresses they were to become.

  • The Fire Within

    Years have passed since Blake Belladonna left her teammates behind. It's not until she stumbles across an old flame does she begin to realize the path she took may not have been the correct one. As she tries to fix her mistakes, Team RWBY must try to save Vale from an unknown villain. Bumblebee focused, but some White Rose also included!