The Disappearing Me

  • Some People Make the Future

    Some people make the future. Others wait for it to come to them. Mal and his crew have always been more for making than waiting, but they make an exception when the future shows up on their doorstep in the form of a mysterious girl. Canon pairings. I'll try to update monthly, but no guarantees. Chapter 8, The Judgment of Solomon, up!

  • Of Memories and Brainstorms

    Two psychology-inspired humorous one-shots which aren't quite as nerdy as they sound. Mostly. Be careful - you may learn something!

  • One Weird and Wacky Week

    Ginny and Draco were mortal enemies. Always had been, and presumably, always would be. But when gods get involved, chaos results, and anything can happen. A great DG fic. The first chapter isn't that good, but it gets better as you go! R&R! ON HOLD.

  • It's a Frog's Life

    It's the end of the school year, and Hermione is bored. That is, until she gets turned into a frog by one Draco Malfoy! As punishment, he too is turned into a frog. There a lots of frogs in this fic, as you can see! NOT DH!