

  • First Official Visit

    Uther decides it's time to take Arthur with him on his annual visit to some of the outlying villages, things don't always go as planned.

  • Somebody Help

    Who was it that finally found Uther and Arthur in the Kings chamber in the episode 'The Wicked Day'

  • Red-Eyed Protection

    Please see note at beginning of story, nothing bad though just a clearer explanation. Bucky wasn't the only person Steve lost that day on the train and he wasn't the only one who returned. OC

  • Loss and Hope

    The Battle of New York, but more importantly the attack on the Helicarrier has taken more from Clint than he could ever hope to recover from, but unbeknownst to him a glimmer of hope is on the horizon, but will it's light reach him in time?