Be Rose

  • He Comes in the Night 3 - The Story Continues

    Two years after 'He Comes in the Night' 1 and 2. Five years since Mallet Island. Portals are opened, demons roam the streets of Capulet City. Dante hasn't seen Vergil since he defeated Nelo Angelo. Now they have to work together to stop the threat to the Human World.

  • Son of Sparda, Son of Eva

    When Dante meets Helen he doesn't tell her who or what he is. For once he wants to be the normal human son of Eva, and not the devil hunting half-devil son of Sparda. M for language and light lemon. UPDATED 29 May 2014 AND 29 JULY 2014

  • The Castle in the Swamp

    Michael learns it's not a good idea to upset a fairy godmother. She curses him to look like the beast within him. Now he has to fight the beast that wants to take over his mind, and find a companion to share his life under the swamp. A Beauty and the Beast type story.

  • Christmas is for Families

    Just before being killed, a demon tells Dante he is the reason why Dante lost his family. Not something Dante wanted to be reminded of just before Christmas. After all Christmas is for families, isn't it?