
  • Breaking Point Series

    I've had some complaints so I've put the entire series here so that it'll be an easier read. I'll still be posting them individually as well, but for those who want them in a single place, here you go. I hope you enjoy!

  • A Visit from a Magical Zoologist

    Harry hasn't been feeling very well for a very long time now. His body is weak and exhausted, it takes all he can to get out of bed most days now. Maybe that letter from Newt Scamander can explain somethings and maybe cure him of whatever he has.

  • Varia's Cloud

    He had heard that the Varia had a Cloud Guardian now, but it was only Tsuna's luck that the circumstances around their first meeting was when the Decimo was kidnapped and needed rescuing.

  • Growing Up Round 2

    Harry thought his life would get better after the war, that he would get to have a good time with his friends. "This isn't funny Ron!" "Still really small he is." "I heard that Ron!" That obviously isn't going to happen so all that's left for Harry to do is try and get better while trying not to strangle his friends and the Malfoys.

  • Reversing Reflections

    The return of Phantom and Slade brings more problems than what the two are worth, or so Robin is convinced. With new enemies appearing and beings that aren't alive running amuck in Jump City, Robin is unsure of what to do. It gets even worse when one day Robin wakes up to a different reflection in the mirror. Things worsen when two Masters meet in battle. Sequel to Turning Tables!

  • Meet and Greet

    Harry has a great life now. His second child is going to enter Hogwarts soon and his career in the Ministry of Magic was going spectacular as well. The only problem comes when he is killed during his duty on the field and soon he finds himself speaking with someone he had only ever heard about and had never met. The real question though is if He can come back to life. One-Shot!

  • Facing Death

    "Do not pity the dead Harry. Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love." Albus Dumbledore once told Harry and now the Boy Who Lived is sure that he pities himself more than anything, for he had finally found family just as he was about to die. Rated M for mentions of Rape and Abuse.

  • The Heirs of Gryffindor and Slytherin

    My own Twin fic! Totally different though. Harry has a twin, Jamie Potter, but is loved just as much as his brother, who IS the Boy-Who-Lived! Now thoughm, with his brother in more danger, Harry is willing to do anyting for his brother. Read on for more!