
  • Assembled Kingdoms High

    Anna finally gets to do what she has always dreamed of, going to the same high school as her older sister, Elsa. But when Anna arrives, she finds out that things don't go as planned. DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own anything from Frozen.

  • Gift? What Gift?

    America doesn't know what to do for England for Christmas. How will these two spend it? (Very bad summary)

  • A BAP Cherry Blossom Christmas

    The band members want a little Christmas. Doesn't everybody want a little holiday cheer? Can they get a Christmas with the record company wanting to record an album? And how does a cherry blossom tree look with a little snow on it? In Zelo's p.o.v.

  • A Chief Christmas

    How do you imagine a Christmas between the two chiefs, Jack and Ralph? High School AU