

  • mary, mary, quite contrary, how do your murders go?

    He wakes up in his own bed for the first time in weeks. / Stiles deals with the aftermath. Eventual Sterek. Spoilers up to and including 3x20 promo, "Echo House."

  • Be Mine, Valentine

    "Hey, Derek," Stiles smiles from underneath his lashes, and Derek almost topples off the ladder he's using to adjust the Valentine's Day displays. / In which the Hales own a flower shop, Stiles is a returning customer, and Derek's heart is big enough for the both of them.

  • and i'll write you a tragedy

    and don't you know heroes aren't meant to survive? / or, perseus jackson and the end of the world. freeverse. boo spoilers.

  • upstairs, downstairs

    Connor's not usually one to place blame, but the fire was all Asher's fault. / Coliver AU.

  • don't leave my hyper heart alone

    When Stiles is eighteen she leaves Beacon Hills and joins the army and doesn't look back once. / Always-a-girl!Stiles and her quest to find herself. Sterek.

  • bare my skin and count my sins

    Your problem, mate, is that nobody hates you more than you do. / Dean Winchester, the people he couldn't save, and the penance he has to pay. HERE BE ANGST.

  • goodbye stranger (it's been nice)

    Chris stares at the trifecta of Argent graves—sister, wife, daughter—and wishes it were him in the ground instead. / Chris, Allison, and the breaking of hearts.

  • porcelain jars and panic attacks

    It's funny, you know? All these years, and he's never once forgotten. / In which Stiles cuts his hair, an anniversary is commemorated and Polish names are revealed. Angst, canon divergence post 3x13, "Anchors."

  • whispers and kisses and lies

    There are times when she wonders how big her heart must be to hold so much inside. / Freeverse, spans over Lily's seven years at Hogwarts. Includes SeverusLily friendship, RemusLily friendship and slight romance, with eventual JamesLily.

  • Teddy Lupin and the Order of the Phoenix

    When Teddy Lupin asks the Room of Requirement for a place to hide, he definitely doesn't expect it to send him back in time. But, of course, it does; to the year 1995, and now he's landed himself smack-bang in the middle of a war. Just how is Teddy going to keep his mouth shut about the future, as well as finding a way back home before something goes terribly wrong? ON HIATUS.

  • The Photographer

    I don't remember who first gave me the camera. / Dominique Weasley and her camera's life before, during and after Hogwarts. Brutal angst.

  • once more unto the breach

    He is Atlas, and he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, but he is also Will Solace, a fourteen-year-old boy with blood on his hands and ghosts in his hollowed-out heart. / Or, Will Solace through the years. Eventual Solangelo.

  • if the heavens ever did speak

    Spencer has had his words since he was eight years old. / Or, the soulmate!AU in which Reid works for the CIA instead. Moreid. Rated for graphic depictions of violence.

  • open up your heart (and let me pull you out)

    I love you, pounds the rhythm of Derek's heart, but the words don't need to be said aloud because Spencer knows them already. / Or, domestic Moreid.

  • tenfold shields

    "My armor is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death!" —JRR Tolkien / Or, Nick and Rosalee grapple with a teenage Daemonfeuer. For LittleBounce in the 2014 Grimm Secret Krampus Exchange.

  • I Can't Get Enough (Of You)

    "I'll skin your shrivelfig if you skin mine," Stiles says in a low voice, and Derek's cauldron catches on fire. / In which Derek is a Hufflepuff who's kind of terrible at Potions, Stiles is a Slytherin who keeps making pop culture references Derek doesn't get, and somehow they meet in the middle. Rated for language.

  • our eyes once watered

    You feel it when the anthrax reaches your lungs. A quick, sharp inhale, and you feel it hit your nasopharynx, your oropharynx, your larynx, your trachea. It spirals down your windpipe, a white powder fine as dust, and settles in your lungs. You feel it. You feel it, and by the time Morgan finds you, you know it's already too late. / An Amplification!AU minus the happy ending.

  • if this is a rom-com, kill the director

    When Isaac told Derek he'd lined up a job, there was nothing in his voice to indicate that it was anything other than an ordinary job. / In which Derek renovates Stiles' house.

  • Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo

    "I'm your fairy godmother, Derek. I think I can work a little magic. But first – we'll need a pumpkin and some mice." / In which Derek is a Disney princess, but not really, and Stiles is the prince who actually remembers what Cinderella looks like.

  • the heart before the ache

    Stiles smokes his first cigarette the morning of his mom's funeral. / Stiles, Derek & cigarettes, with a healthy dose of angst. Follows canon up to the end of s2.