
  • The Digital Jumper

    14 year old, Angel Wuu, thinks she met her dream guy, Koji Minamoto, but when they get sucked into the Digital World, and she gets attacked by a digimon who sucks her into a dimension portal, she soon finds herself, confused, lost and heart broken. Where will the dimension portal take her? Read to find out! Crossover of season 1 thru 4. STRONG SEXUAL CONTENT!

  • Digimon Aftermath

    It's been 10 years since the Digidestined defeated MaloMyotismon. Everyone has grown up, gotten married, had kids or moved away. The Digital World seems like an almost distant memory now, until one day...

  • Digimon Tamers: American Generation

    Follow an older group of Digidestined as they try to balance out love, work, and becoming a Digimon Tamer. Takes place in America, all OC cast. Contains strong language, gruesome scenes and sexual content. If you don't like swearing, blood or sex, do not read!

  • Digimon Frontier: The Earth Spirit

    Emerald was just a simple girl who moved from America to Japan. That was the last place where she thought she'd meet her destiny! This story will contain swearing. [Hiatus]