Tabitha craft

  • Lost Lake

    This story takes the situation of the character JJ plays in One Week and puts it into a DC scenario. Pacey has cancer so he buys a bike and heads west. When he comes off his bike Joey finds him. Finally an update! Epilogue is now up:-) Please review - they create motivation:-)

  • Into your arms

    Joey's had a secret for a long time. Something she does when she's feeling scared or things are too much to deal with. It's been going on for a long time. P/J. Finally finished! Thanks for all the support:-)

  • Green Christmas

    This starts a few months before Christmas but is ultimately a fiction for Christmas. Dawson lives in LA and rings his old friend Pacey and asks if his girlfriend, who he thinks is the "one", Joey can stay with him in Boston. A P/J fic. All finished!

  • The Valentine's Day When

    The next story in the series after The Christmas When and The New Year When. Again, light hearted and short. Links to the previous two stories added.

  • Stuck

    Post prom AU dealing with the aftermath. A bit dark to begin with, this is really Joey's story. I am P/J but this is about more than romance. Please keep reviewing and thanks for all the feedback! Epilogue part three up - I apologise for not saying sooner but there is a character death in this part. Thanks for pointing that out 1trueluv:-) Epilogue's finally finished! Please review