BlueRaven 666

  • Black Butler: Nightmares of a Madman

    When Undertaker begins having nightmares about various people he knows dying in gruesome fashions he begins looking into the cause and what the dreams could actually mean. He will soon learn, however, that the answers he's looking for are far worse than anything he can imagine.WARNINGS: Graphic descriptions of violence/ gore. Disturbing content. Rated M. PLEASE REVIEW!

  • How to Fly with a Broken Wing

    William X Sebastian. William finds himself with the task of helping Sebastian after the demon breaks one of his wings and is completely abandoned by Ciel. When feelings begin to develop beween the two, all Hell breaks loose and Satan has a price on Sebastian's head. When the devil is alwasy watching, how do you hide? Where can you escape? WARNINGS: SAD Charcter death PLEASE REVIEW!

  • Black Butler: Asylum

    Set in a mental hospital, Ciel Phantomhive is the newest nurse on-staff. With nurse, Grell Sutcliff, mentoring him, Ciel is faced with the challenge of studying and possibly curing his assigned patient, Patient 666: Sebastian Michaelis, who suffers from the condtion "Soul Insanity" But when a bond forms, can Ciel keep his real reason for being there a secret? PLEASE REVIEW!

  • Black Butler: Black Love

    To end the feuding of the Lucifer & Faustus families Claude must pair with one of Satan's children and there's only one person left for him to court: Sebastian Can the two enemies learn to love each other enough to mate and produce a child or will they keep going in circles?What happens when things fall apart? WARNINGS: Sebastian X Claude, OCs, MPreg, OOCness, fluff, PLEASE REVIEW!

  • Black Butler: The Reaper and the Raven

    The Jack the Ripper case hadn't been the first time Sebastian met the Grim Reaper, William T. Spears. What happened between them less than a century before that William doesn't remember? And what happened that caused Sebastian so much hurt? WilliamXSebastian Yaoi and mpreg in later chapters.(for the Seb X Will: Claude fandom) some OOCness, Character death. PLEASE REVIEW!

  • Making Trouble

    ONESHOT. After Sebastian begins experiencing mysterious pains in his back and abdomen, a troubling memory surfaces and he makes a shocking discovery. WARNINGS: Some mild yaoi and MPREG. Note: MPreg - Male Pregnancy. Don't Like, don't read. Other warnings: Some OOCness might occur. Some Sebastian X Ciel. PLEASE REVIEW!

  • The Story of Laughing Jack

    A rewritten version of the origin tale of Laughing Jack. This sort of meant to be a version for little kids to read or to have someone read to them. Please Review!

  • Black Butler: Past Lives

    A Vincent X Sebastian FanFic. What happened between the late Earl Phantomhive and Sebastian before Ciel's time? What joys and heart breaks had Sebastian gone through? Warnings: Possible OOCness, fluff, and mpreg. PLEASE REVIEW!

  • Mending the Broken

    ONE-SHOT. After 16-year-old Ciel Phantomhive finds out that he is the father of Sebastian's child, he lashes out at the butler and turns him and the child away. Many months later Ciel's stubborn mind is proven wrong and he wonders if Sebastian can ever forgive him. WARNINGS: Rated M for language and MPreg. Don't Like, Don't Read. PLEASE REVIEW!

  • If We Hold On Together

    (cheesy title, I know) Reapers, Demons, and Angels alike that had been associated with the Earl of Phantomhive and his butler, Sebastian, are trapped in Hell and shall remain there unless they break down and tell each other their deepest, darkes secrets as well as their true forms. Are they willing to get over their differences in order to free themselves? PLEASE REVIEW!

  • Born in Blood: A Butler's Child

    Claude finds Sebastian attempting to give birth to the infernal offspring of the angel Ashe Landers. However, Sebastian struggles with the descision to keep the child just as he struggles to give birth. Can Claude be the one to convince him to keep the child? WARNINGS: MPreg, mention of rape, some violence, graphic descriptions. Don't like, Don't read. PLEASE REVIEW!

  • Kuroshitsuji Jingle Bells (Sebastian)

    Jingle Bells Parody. Sebastian's POV. Rated T for language. PLEASE REVIEW!

  • The Story of Laughing Jill

    ONE-SHOT This is a story I made up about Laughing Jill's first, and possibly biggest kill. PLEASE REVIEW

  • Kuroshitsuji CrackFic

    My first CrackFic. THIS is what happens when I'm high off of sugar. Obvoiously this won't be the greatest thing to ever come out of my head WARNINGS: Foul language and Yaoi. Rated M for obvious reasons. Ye be warned! PLEASE REVIEW!

  • Black Butler: Eternal Vows

    A Claude X Sebastian fanfic. After preventing Sebastian from the fate of an arranged marriage, Claude returns a few centuries later seeking his hand in marriage. WARNINGS: possible OOCness, OCs, and mpreg in later chapters. Don't like, don't read. PLEASE REVIEW!

  • Black Butler: The Demon Plague

    Sebastian had been the one to spread the Black Death into Europe, and he marveled at the great amount of suffering that it caused. Now something strange is happening. Demons are getting sick... REALLY sick. When it suddenly infects Sebastian, Ciel takes drastic measures to find the answers he needs to save his butler. But will he save him in time? PLEASE REVIEW!

  • Black Butler: God's Gift of Pain

    Angela Blanc is determined to make Sebastian experience true pain, and she does in the most shocking way imaginable. But when Angela begins to grow attached to Sebastian and the new life he's carrying, Ash Landers begins to make fevered attempts to put an end to it. How far will he go? Will he succeed? WARNINGS: MPreg, fluff, OC, and OOCness. Don't like don't read. PLEASE REVIEW!

  • His Butler, Adrift

    A oneshot set after chapter 65 of the manga. Sebastian is severely injured and fighting for his life while Ciel can do noting but look on and recover himself. Not one of my best summaries. PLEASE REVIEW!