
the Whispering Lady

  • Petunia Carys Dursley

    A look into the Dursley family life.

  • War's End

    The end came differently to Petunia than it did to others.

  • New News

    Lily gives James two pieces of life-changing news.

  • Going Stag

    Out of all the years Lily has known James Potter, this time he does something she does not expect.

  • Lily Rhiannon Evans

    Muggle-born Lily Evans lives a luxurious life in Muggle Wales. However, she must leave that world behind her to learn to use her magic at Hogwarts. Meanwhile, Lord Voldemort's war in the wizarding world provides a stark contrast to her peaceful life in the Isle of Anglesey. Can Lily overcome Lord Voldemort to bring peace to her new home?

  • Lily's Worst Memory

    For years afterward, Lily would wonder whether it was the best thing she did or the worst.

  • The Last Contact

    The only chance they will have to say what needs to be said - although they both hope for more time.

  • The Known Secret

    "Lily - why are you here" Remus gasped. "Why are you here?" Lily retorted bluntly. This is how what is known becomes Known.