
  • Clarity on a Monday Night

    Thunk- yet another photograph to be pinned to the corkboard. Harry James Potter, immortal assassin at the back and call of the gods, was bored, for a lack of better word. "Who do you need offed this time?" he asked. Green eyes glanced at the image before him, already wondering if his corkboard had any room left for its soon to be newest addition.

  • Downsides to God's Favor

    The inevitable had finally happened. Neku knew that one day, he would have to break the news to Joshua, and today was the day. Neku took one big gulp of air after another. I can do this, he repeated the mantra to himself. The inevitable has come at long last. "Joshua, I'm moving out of Shibuya". Humor, no pairings, could be canon

  • Midnight Rain

    Humans spend their short, transient lives bustling about; few are aware of their guardians peering at them, never moving. Shifts in power must be equal for the universe to maintain balanced. Sebastian should have known that the Fates' sharp eyes would not miss his contract with Ciel. "So what business does an angel have with me?" Ciel asked. Mangaverse, no pairings.

  • Plot Bunnies and Drafts

    This is my dumping ground for unfinished plot bunnies and drafts of my previous/future stories. These plot bunnies are NOT up for adoption- I'm just uploading them here for my readers. The categories vary depending on the plot bunny, so I have no idea what to put as category (besides HP). Most of these will be crossovers with various animes/books.

  • The Third Side to Every Coin

    It was curious, how people never thought that the sole child of James Potter, Transfiguration and Wards master, and Lily Potter, Charms and Runes master, would be talented. Seventeen year old Harry Potter held within his hands, a single grey pawn. It was exquisite, he thought, and leaned forward to observe the chess match unfold with great interest. Dark, sly and believable Harry.

  • Look Underneath the Underneath

    Humor, gen, possibly canon. What Kakashi really means by look underneath the underneath...

  • Dark Blue

    One hundred and eighty-three nights, soon to be one hundred and eighty-four. He touched every crease of the paper, every dent, every stain, and every corner of the letter. Finally, he opened his eyes, already knowing the content by heart. "For you, Aerith," Zack whispered to the silent night air as he turned his gaze towards the gray sky, searching for the stars beyond the smog.