
  • Lost The Ghost Zone

    Sam Manson, known friend of Danny Phantom, has gone missing. when they find her again, she's different, not herself, something had changed. now there is a race against time to stop whatever is happening to Sam before it's to late, before she dies and turns into something that nobody knew was possible... a ghost

  • The Deadly Nights

    It all started with their death's. That was all it took for the downhill journey of Robin, former boy wonder. What has happened to him? Who is this mysterious new villain that first killed them off? These are questions that everyone would like to know. Jump city had progressed downhill since he left. With his mind twisting there seems to be only one that can help him, his mentor.

  • The boy named Meep

    A Halloween special as I have said, and now to the summary... Gaz, the one person you do not dare to prank, to get the better of, but there was on who dared, his name was Meep. Now Gaz wants revenge and she will get what she wants, one way or the other.