
  • When the spoiled tin was opened

    Starts in the summer between CoS and PoA. The incident with Marge Dursley was more serious than in canon and Harry is caught by the Aurors. But is his situation as bad as it looks? Meanwhile, some of the most important people lose any illusions about the British wizarding world being fair and just. There is also an ICW meeting coming, so the ugliest truths must be quickly hidden.

  • A Different Prison Inspection

    Set before PoA. Cornelius Fudge was unable to perform the inspection of Azkaban due to an illness and it fell to Amelia Bones to do it instead. The inmates of Azkaban, including one dog animagus, reacted to her presence differently than they'd react to Fudge's. The DMLE director was also more curious than the Minister of Magic - and her curiosity changed the whole story.