
  • Living with Faith

    8thyear! VeelaAU! Draco is torn: be the boy he was brought up to be, or be the veela he was born to be? It's complicated enough with Harry as his mate, but fighting his inner battles are worse. Never taught to give, but born to provide. Never taught compassion, but born to be kind. This is his journey as he struggles with the gift of love, teaching even Harry what it truly means.

  • True Love

    Patronusau! Sixthyear! Albus and Scorpius attend their DADA class to learn how to cast a patronus to protect themselves against possible attacks from dementors. Albus manages to cast a patronus, only the person who is his happiest memory can't be his. Scorpius is too much in love with Rose Weasley, or is he really? After all, people who are truly in love always find their way back.

  • ロミオとシンデレラ Romeo and Cinderella

    When they were born, Hikaru and Kaoru had no clue what fate had in store for them. Or the cruelty of destiny that would threaten and tear them apart. For Kaoru was Hikaru's undoing, and Hikaru Kaoru's undoing; now and forever. So how do you survive and be together even as everyone tries to break apart two halves of a whole? Can love triumph over every law placed by society?

  • Haven't Had Enough

    Nova is a tsundere. He is cold and serious, a severe workaholic and just not the image of pure fun childish joy. Liberta knows that. EVERYONE knows that. But they also know he takes pride in being the head of the Cups. So when a certain Vassal pops by, and her status is seemingly higher than everyone but his, Nova feels curiosity twitch. And so starts the love story of a lifetime

  • Time Travelling

    ONE SHOT SEQUEL TO I LOVE YOU (can be read alone) The meaning of time travelling a confusing definition many don't know. But for some, the definition is clearer than any, and all it takes is the right person, the right heart, and three words. I'M ON ASIAN FANFICS just saying if you like kpop (PM for more details XD)

  • I Love You

    ONE SHOT Tom, Voldermort, these two lines have always been melded together. It could change someone, or break someone to fall in love. To love, you must free your heart. To let go, you must die and reincarnate stronger. But sometimes the person who you love the most gets hurt by you. And sometimes, you can't rewind the past even if you try. So just say those words. Now, Right, Now