

  • Avast, Ye Scallywags!

    Today (Sept 19) is Hermione Granger's 37th Birthday. It's also International Talk Like a Pirate Day. So here is a little fluffy fic to celebrate the convergence of two such auspicious events. Yarr. (I don't claim any ownership over the HP Universe or its characters. I'm just havin' a little fun...) Reposted from AO3.

  • Wherefore Art Thou?

    The Headmaster and his Potions professor are asked to read Shakespeare to the Muggle Studies fourth years so that they might gain a greater appreciation for the great squib bard. All hail J.K. Rowling, creator of the Hogwarts sandbox in which I play. I receive no compensation from this work other than your lovely reviews.

  • Rita Skeeter and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

    Rita Skeeter always believed that revenge was a dish best served cold, but no one outwits a master spy and his swotty fiancée. Originally published May 2016 on AO3. I do not own Harry Potter and his ilk. He remains the care of one JK Rowling.

  • A Father's Loves

    Severus Snape reminisces about falling in love as he watches his newborn child sleep. Originally published on AO3 for Father's Day 2016. I own not Harry potter and his ilk, but merely dabble with my drabbles in J.K. Rowling's world.