Anath Tsurugi

  • As Strong as Death

    Charles wasn't the only one who had a chance to speak with his future self. (DoFP spoilers, Cherik)

  • To See With Eyes Unclouded

    It isn't just Newt's love of creatures that sets him apart from other wizards. There's something hidden inside of him - something dark and powerful that's been there since he was small, and the young wizard doesn't understand why, but there are those who would covet that power. How will he ever learn who to trust? (Obscurial!Newt)

  • The Rose of Sharon

    Castiel has just about given up hope of ever finding Dean when he suddenly hears him calling out to him. What Cas finds upon answering the prayer, though, is both a blessing and a nightmare. Now impregnated with demon seed and hunted by everyone, Cas must find a way to save Dean Winchester before the former hunter destroys Heaven and Hell in his name. (Alternate Season 10, mpreg)

  • Love Don't Die Easy

    Tadashi survives the fire...but only because Callaghan meant for him to. What will become of Hiro when Yokai is unmasked?

  • Noble Maiden Fair

    After all, what's a game of wizards and knights without a kiss from a princess? (AU, kid fic, first kiss)

  • Voices From a Distant Star

    Nova Corp was naive to think that Thanos would actually allow them to possess an Infinity Stone. The warlord has his plans for the stones, yes, but he has other plans for the Guardians as well. (Side story for my Winter Soldier trilogy)

  • So Beautiful, Even in Death

    Bucky Barnes didn't become the Winter Soldier overnight. What was it that Zola did to ultimately break him? (Warnings: torture, brainwashing)

  • Strong Enough

    Following the events on the helicarrier, the Winter Soldier and Bucky Barnes confront each other. Which of them is stronger? Who has really suffered more? (TWS spoilers)

  • To You I Belong

    The first time the Winter Soldier sees Captain America, he can't help but think 'mine', even though he has no idea why. (Bucky/Steve, spoilers for TWS)

  • I Will Hide You

    When Steve and Bucky are cornered by a gang of thugs and they decide they want to have a little fun with Steve, Bucky offers himself up in his place. After all, no one is going to hurt Steve while he lives. (Pre-serum, Bucky/Steve)

  • The Hours on the Clock

    Fili and Kili have always trusted and loved each other completely, but what happens when Kili begins to change...when he begins to disappear in the night and can't tell Fili anything about what's happening to him? What can Fili do? (Fairytale AU, inspired by 'The Twelve Dancing Princesses', Durincest, Kili/Legolas)

  • Safe in His Arms

    On the night of his coming of age, Kili was abducted and assaulted by a figure from his past. Twelve years later, he and Fili join their uncle in the quest to reclaim Erebor. What nightmares still haunt the young prince? And what secret shame does the king in exile conceal? Companion piece to A Night in His Arms. (Durincest, Dwori, mild Bagginshield)