
  • Public Enemies

    I was always modest,and had always been careful of what to say.,But I knew that the future is a gift that you must learn to receive and learn from it,and that the past is a encyclopedia of experience that you must utilize to survive in the present and future and that the present is your decision hall,every decision you make then it will change your life and maybe even you. FxSxBxR

  • Love Wins

    Fine Hirakawa had been bully half of the 7 year to the 8,bringing her to be the ' geeky nerdy outcast' years laters in 12 grade Fine biggest crush Bright Noe Smith,have finally notice her,and staring to like her,but to be with Bright she need to stop begin the outcast and move up the social ladder,and who else to help her than Football quarter back Shade Hateke?Will Love win?

  • Blood(First of the Tous Le Meme series)

    Fate struggling to survive on the over power cruel world.Had her eyes on the newborn,red haired angel beauty with ruby fiery passion eyes,not far only a couple of blocks away was a two year old baby boy with violet hair and blue eyes trembling,abandon. "Blood was the desire that brought them together,hunger especially for power made them united,and mercy made them fall in love."

  • I'm the Joker to your Batman

    I didn't say anything why would I? It wouldn't have change the fact that she push me,turning around I saw Shade-sama as she calls him trying to get out the intense grip she has trap him,dusting myself I began to pass by them accidentally making eye contact with the violet hair guy froze in time I felt a quick pain on my head and next all I saw was darkness. RXSXFXB maybe RATED M.

  • My Mama Taught Me Well

    Poor and rich won't mix,as even in ancient time it only bought pain. All the riches baby, won't mean anything All the riches baby, bring what your love can bring All the riches baby, won't mean anything Don't need no other baby Your lovin' is better than gold and I know.(quote by gwen-rich girl). FxSxBxR might become Rated M in the upcoming chapters ;)

  • Diary Page 112

    She is my woman now,till next time Shade.